Saturday 23 January 2010

Guys blogging about weight loss

In the past I've been against blogging about weight loss. It seemed too personal. After all, the last thing you would want is someone you know in "real life" finding out about it. Or so it seemed. Almost like (I would imagine) being gay and coming out of the closet.

It also seemed - err - well not quite a masculine thing to do. And this feeling was reinforced by the fact I couldnt seem to find any other men who were doing it. I mean, I know that 95% of those losing weight in slimming clubs are women, but -really? - not one other man blogging? When I looked at online discussion forums, it was the same. In the end I gave up and decided to forget about blogging.

This was about a couple of years ago. Fortunately I then discovered some of the weight loss vloggers on YouTube. Particularly those in the Gut2Cut group. I became obsessive for a while about watching some of the guys in the group. It was almost the first time I had listened to any other guy talk about weight loss.

After a while though I got bored. Most of the videos seemed to focus on the details of the weight loss. How many calories they ate, how many times they went to the gym, how much weight they lost. I mean, yes, the numbers are sort of interesting. But what I really wanted to know was - how big a deal is this weight loss for them? And what impact had it had on their life? Particularly with the guys, this was the last thing you got to hear about. Instead, it felt like these people lived entirely in the present. Even after two years of watching Adam (alifelessboring), for instance, I have no idea what made the guy decide to shut himself in an apartment - and scarcely come out of it - for over a year.

So here I am back with the bloggers. And - thank God - there are now loads of guys blogging about weight loss. Many of them - of course - are still skating over their emotional reasons for being fat. But at least they're there. And I'm looking forward to getting to know some of them.

1 comment: said...

Hi Jonathan, you have made a great move starting this blog! It's a great accounatability tool and if you network with other weight loss blogs (yep most are women!) then you should get lots more traffic.

Well I have already linked you to my blogroll and I'll be checking back to see how your progress is :-)

Take care,